Friday, August 27, 2010

Stay on Vacation, Mr President

A lot of commentary has been written and spoken regarding President Obama’s work ethic. As this is being written, Mr Obama is engaged in yet another vacation, this one to that enclave of the fabulously wealthy on Martha’s Vineyard. When the president is not on vacation, he still finds the time to play golf, a lot of golf.

Meanwhile, the economy is in the tank and there is now discussion that we may be headed, if not already in, a full scale economic depression. All of the Keynesian attempts to revive the economy have had much the same effect as similar attempts by Franklin Roosevelt to revive the economy in the depression of the 1930’s. Mr Obama’s attempt to rescue the economy by pumping taxpayer money into the hands of blue state governors, labor union bosses, and “green industries” have done little to revive the economy, but have assured that all that money will never be used by the private sector in any actual attempt to grow the economy.

In normal times, a prudent commentator might ardently desire that our Vacationer-in-Chief eschew the beaches and golf courses of the land and get back to the work of reviving the economy, providing incentives for business to invest and grow, ensuring that any American who wants to work has the opportunity to do so. But with this president, perhaps the best thing we can hope for is that he remain on vacation and keep his hands off the helm of the ship of state.

Mr Obama is so completely ideological in everything he does that there is no hope that any solution he might offer to the current economic woes would be anything that would actually work. Anything he would do would be more of the same punishment for the evil rich (with whom he seems comfortable vacationing), hamstringing the malevolent corporations, redistributing the ill-gotten wealth of Americans guilty of all manner of crimes against “social justice," and paying off his loyal supporters in the the labor unions and plaitniff's bar. Unfortunately, any economic growth in the future can only come from those sources Mr Obama spends so much of his time criticizing, and worse.

I think the best thing for the country is that our president STAY on vacation. Better yet, take Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi with him. On the house. Let them go to Spain of France and book 50-60 high class rooms with a view, and send the bill to the American taxpayers. Even if they all enjoy an open bar and room service for every meal, it would be far cheaper to pick up that tab than to pay for the crushing debt they are hanging around our necks, and the necks of future generations yet unborn, when they are at work in Washington.
So go ahead and make your tee times Mr President, and have as much fun as you can while it lasts. Just keep your hands off the steering wheel, please.

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